It says illuminare and brightening so the 13 year old in me assumed sparkles. I guess she also got a little excited about it. But then the more practical 26 year old in me went - no way do I need that. Sparkly hands which then rub sparkles off on my face making me look like the glittery 13 year old who began this whole thing in the first place.Smooth & Soft - Naturally !
But curiosity kicked in and I checked the ingredient list - lots of natural extracts like olive oil, licorice, grape seed (great moisturizer), lemon ( natural brightener) , licorice (helps with discoloration) and a bunch of other scientific names of plants. Apart from this I also saw collagen known to keep skin younger, firmer and healthy looking. I couldn't miss out on all this goodness, so I decided to try it at night and pulled the bottle out. Two squirts later - I had super soft hands which guzzled the serum in ten seconds and no sign of sparkles. I tried it on the next day and no sparkles in day time either ! Thank you, 13 year old.
The product gives me sparkle free, soft hands into which the serum sinks almost immediately. No greasy or slippery feeling either. Something else I noticed was that it gave my hands a smoother look - almost like what a face primer does but without the powdery feeling. That being said, I wish it didn't come in a glass bottle. I have a hard time carrying any glass container around. Its too delicate for me. Also, I am still looking for that radiant glow it promises.
This Illuminare serum was especially created to help with minimizing dark spots and uneven skin tones on hands. Though I am a little young for dark spots I am rather happy I tried this for its non greasy moisturizing and smoothing properties ! I know my mom will like this one !
Borghese products can be found at Ulta, CVS, Walgreens.
Have you ever mistaken a product based on its name alone ? Tell me I'm not alone y'all .
Indian Girl
This article contains a sample product sent for consideration by PR. For more details on the disclosure policy please refer to it at the bottom of the page.
Dear Anon,
I didn't publish your comment because I am not a fan of negativity. I go far and out to avoid any drama.
Sorry you don't like my humor anymore but have you stopped by to say a kind word in the past ? You must know I am human on this end not a robot who can be humorous no matter what is going on in their life. Its is very hard to write when you are having a very bad day, when a family member is sick or when other hard things are going on in my life for an extended period.
My blog will forever be a reflection of what's going on with me. Sorry its not always sunshine around here. I wish it were :)
Either ways thanks for stopping by and telling me what you did. I bet it feels great to get it off your chest ! In the future I will remember that people come here to unwind so matter what's going on with me - I better make it good. Next time just don't be so harsh with your words. They hurt. A lot.
Hey IG,
Don't know what this was about but just letting you know that you are awesome and are loved by your readers. And I have hopped around a lot of beauty/fashion blogs and trust me you are one of the nicest bloggers out there. I don't think I have ever read an unkind word from you. So, ignore people that are probably unhappy about something and taking it out on you.
In other news, I was absolutely determined to get the Sally Hansen Sunbeam lipstick after I saw your swatch and I couldn't find it at my CVS, boohoo :'( There are others and I am gonna track it down! I did pick up rimmel airy fairy while I was there - pretty pretty shade! I even decided to try some EOB brushes. So far I haven't gone wrong with your recommendations. Keep up the good work, girlfriend :-)
Dear Sg - Thank you - I needed that kinda reassurance and love. Been an emotional wreck today.
Gosh I don't know why Sunbeam is so hard to find ! I wrote to Sally Hansen and they said its not discontinued or anything. But SG many girls wrote to me saying they cant find it. I did see it at my CVS a month or so back so I'm hoping it will get restocked everywhere else too !
No thanks needed girl, your blog cheers me up everyday!
I love you, Indian Girl! (like, in a sister way). Your humor is awesome, and you really are the nicest blogger I ever met! I feel bad for whatever you're going through, I hope it'll be ok! This blog post was not bad at all for someone going through a rough time.
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