Lots of Holiday goodies from Smashbox. They have a big bunch of Wish For Holiday Sets. They are great start to the gifting season !LORAC almost always has the best deals in makeup. This first one is the Smokey Eyes Kit ($32.50) is exclusive to QVC.
The Body Shop has got a special Facebook promotion going on to help with your Holiday shopping !
They have just launched a hidden tab (only visible to fans) on their Facebook page (facebook.com/thebodyshop) called “Secret Santa,” and throughout the next few weeks, they will be posting exclusive deals only available on the page (and for limited periods of time per deal). So if you're on facebook, take advantage of the deals !
Remember to check out the December issue of Allure for a special article, celebrating the 15th anniversary of makeup legend Francois Nars. It is an intriguing story of him, coming from a small town in France and making it to the worldwide fashion stage---and why he credits his mother with much of his success. He dishes on some of his favorite products and his most famous images.
The issue hits stands November 24.
Indian Girl
[11/18/2009 12:26:00 AM
Hello, am a new follower! Ur blog is really informative. Keep up the great work. I believe I left a msg on ur blog nd gmail id, no reply yet! I thought, may be it didnt reach u. here I am again...pls dont mind. I have a question to ask. How do we add disclosure to blog? Could u pls help me?
If you wish, "divijareddy.blogspot.com" is my place!
Hi Divija
I went to this site http://www.disclosurepolicy.org and made my policy. At the end you copy the whole policy and paste it into whee you want ti be displayed. HTH !
This 100% has nothing to do with your post, but THAT PICTURE IS OMG (the girl in the yellow poncho)! I swear..it's art..it's beautiful..not at all contrived like most fashion spreads..plain awesome!
Thanq very much!
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