Did you know Zoya made lip glosses too ? Yeah, they do ! They are called Hot Lips Glossy Lip Balms. Balms or gloss no matter what the name, these are slightly addictive. So beware...
The Hot Lips comes in cute 0.42 oz fat tubes. They are so tiny that you can afford to have 20 or so in your bag without adding much weight or taking too much space. I tested out six of 50 or more shades. I loved 5 of em so that's a very good ratio ! The sixth one was pretty too but too light for my pigmented lips.
Check out the shades. Arn't these super ! They are way way way less stickier than Lancome Juicy Tubes, have a good amount of color and shine, not heavy on the lips, smell slightly sweet and are very forgiving on broken lips. I'm not sure if they have BOGOF or similar sales, but if they do, I would stock up on plenty of them ! They even make cute gifts for your teenage nieces !
Price - $6 (0.42 oz)
Purchase - artofbeauty.com
Purpose - Shiny Moisturizing Lip Gloss
Position - luvie ( a frosty milky pink) - not swathed
Hmm so you made it to the end of the post. Good Job !
Now that you did here are two ways to enter to win a set of all six glosses ! And I'm giving away two sets. So two of you stand a chance to win a complete set of these six glosses featured above !
Two Ways To Enter :
1. Answer this question.
Name at least three bands that have a color in their name. For example : Black Eyed Peas
Leave your answer in the comment section of this post along with your email id. Unfortunately if you dint leave an email id, the entry will be invalid.
2. If you're on twitter RT about this giveaway.
RT @Indiangirl Indian Girl is giving away two sets of Zoya Hot Lips. RT to enter !! http://tinyurl.com/mzuonu
Giveaway is open only to US residents and ends on Monday, August 31 at 11 PM C.S.T. I will randomly pick and announce the winner later that day
Have Fun !
Indian Girl
[8/24/2009 08:30:00 PM
Green Day, Black Sabbath, & White Stripes
Plain White T's and Red Hot Chili Peppers
Simply Red, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Pink Floyd
irina.sagarbarria at gmail dot com
Deep Purple, Moody blues, Great white.
I also wanted to mention Brown Brigade,(of the Indian origin rock star Dave Baksh)
This is fun! You should do more contests/giveaways like this!
Maroon 5, Silverchair, Blue October
I also did a post on your giveaway!
Green on Red, Red Rockers, Agent Orange, The Ocean Blue
magicofpages at gmail dot com
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Maroon 5
Green Day
Legendary Pink Dots
Black Crows
Whitesnake (I'm not sure why that popped in my head.)
Great contest!
Thanks a ton for the giveaway! I will also add this link to my blog post.
Maroon 5
White Rabbits
The Black Ghosts
I realized the name is the Black Crowes with an "e". I'm pretty sure I spelled it like the actual birds.
Fun and super cute colors.
pink floyd
white stripes
Green day
Al green
great colours :o) i wish we could get those in the UK
-The Red Hot Skillet Lickers
-Deep Purple
-Red Hot Chili Peppers
-Black Sabbath
-Blue Monday
-Black Tide
-The Cranberries
-White Stripes
-Simply Red
-Barry White
-Concrete Blonde
-Climax Blues Band
-The Blues Brothers
-The Moody Blues
Oops I forgot my email its gypsydancermacaholic at gmail.com
Plain White Tees
White Stripes
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Green Day
Maroon 5
Plain White T's
clockwork orange
blue oyster cult
pink fairies
Pink Floyd, Green Day, Maroon 5
White Stripes
Maroon 5
Red Hot Chili Peppers
sgoofi at hotmail dot com
hi cutestuff!
ok so i decided on
1.vicious pink
2. cream
3. agent orange
4. yellow hammer
:) love you
and my email is
Woo, my first contest entry!
Let's see... Black Sabbath, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, and Blue Oyster Cult. lol, couldn't resist.
- blue october
- red hot chili peppers
- black sabbath
duramater123 at gmail dot com
The Black Crowes , Indigo Girls, pink floyd -- love all three of them!
tvollowitz at aol dot com
Simply Red, Pink Floyd and Maroon 5
VanessasSecret4 at aol dot com
Pink Floyd, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Black Sabbath.....and I could go on and on..... crystesmom@yahoo.com
Blue Man Group, Green Day, Pink, Pink Floyd
Thank you for the giveaway!!!
Green Day, Black Sabbath and Pink Floyd. vickers_734560@yahoo.com
Moody Blues, Green Day, Red Hot Chili Peppers.
The Blues brothers, Blue oyster cult, Green Day & the white stripes
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
Red Hot Chili Peppers, White Strips, Maroon 5!
Thank you for again, offering another terrific giveaway. The answer to the question about bands with a color in their name is:
Simply Red
Maroon 5
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Blue Oyster Cult
Pink Floyd
My email address is: kleimanlaw@aol.com
I also advertised this contest on my twitter page. Thanks again for introducing us to more terrific products. These glosses seem pretty special.
Deep purple, pink floyd and Green Day - three of my favorite colors!
Thanks for the giveaway!
stefandru at yahoo dot com
I just left a comment but I'm not sure I put the correct ID in it. My email address is kleimanlaw@aol.com
I tweeted about your giveaway!
Red Hot Chili Peppers, Green Day, Pink Floyd solta(at)hotmaildotcom
Bands with Color on their name
1. Goldfinger
(song - "Superman")
2. Indigo Girls
(song - "Closer to Fine")
3. White Lion
(song - "When the Children Cry")
and more..
4. Red Hot Chili Peppers
(song - "Under the Bridge")
5. Green Day
(song - "American Idiot")
6. Black Crowes
(song - "She Talks to Angels")
7. The Black Eyed Peas
(song - "Let's Get It Started")
8. Deep Purple
(song - "Smoke on the Water")
9. Average White Band
(song - "Pick up the Pieces")
10. Pink Martini
(song - "Sympathique")
11. Black Label Society
(song - "Stillborn")
12. Yellow Card
(song - "Ocean Avenue")
13. Great White
(song - "Once Bitten, Twice Shy")
14. Moody Blues
(song - "Nights in White Satin")
15. Blue Oyster Cult
(song - "Don't Fear, The reaper")
16. Maroon 5
(song - "She will be loved")
17. Black Sabbath
(song - "Iron Man")
wow.. and more
my email address is: rescueta@gmail.com
Green day, Black Sabbath, Pink Floyd (my fav)...This is fun!!
Green Day, Blue Monday, Red Hot Chili Peppers.
hockiemack at hotmail.com
Blue Oyster Cult
The Black Crowes
Deep Purple
Hey thanks for the giveaway...
Pink floyd
Red hot chilli peppers
Green day...
Blue October
Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
thw white stripes
the black crows
red hot chilli peppers
Plain White T's
Green Day
White Stripes
They all look really pretty by the way! =]
Ha, this is fun..
Red hot chili peppers, Black Sabbath, and Pink(she rocks)
Blue Oyster Cult
Pink Floyd
Indigo Girls
Yellow Card
dstv2 at aol dot com
Goldfrapp, The Redwalls, and The Sylvers (1976's "Boogie Fever")
Hi! This is easy and I didn't even look at their answers. :)
Maroon 5
Indigo Girls
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Deep Purple
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Blue Oyster Cult
slgibbson at msn dot com
Green Day,Moody Blues,and Red Hot Chili Peppers
Awesome giveaway!
Maroon FIve
Green Day
Pink Martini
Black Sabbath
This is wicked fun.
The White Stripes (my fav! n.n)
The Red Hot Chili Peppers
and Pink Floyd!
E-mail: polyphonicthought@yahoo.com
Twitter: sarahPUFFY
I follow on twitter and tweeted this giveaway
mercsmercado at yahoo dot com
Simply red, moody blues, Pink flamingos, great white
mercsmercado at yahoo dot com
Wish I was in US.
Those are great shades though!!
ah these are so pretty! i wish i was in US xoxo
I tweeted http://twitter.com/AmandaKSunshine/status/3532779417
Maroon 5
Green Day
Red Hot Chili Peppers
white zombie
babelicioussugar at gmail dot com
Screaming Blue Messiahs
Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Black Heart Procession
Oops i forgot to add my email id
Red Hot Chili Peppers, Pink Floyd and Green Day.
My e-mail is chucksy@yahoo.com.
Red Hot Chili Peppers, Pink Floyd and Green Day.
My e-mail is chucksy@yahoo.com.
Blue Foundation
The Black Crowes
Maroon 5
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Pink Floyd
Green Day
Macy Gray
The White Stripes
Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, the Indigo Girls
pink, pink floyd, maroon 5 and green day
pink floyd!, black sabbath and red jumpsuit apparatus :D
PS: do you get to see our email w/o us providing it. Just incase it's: wahraniah@gmail.com
Thankss :D
i tweeted
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Green Day
Blue October
Love the shades!
Maroon 5
Victoria's Secret Pink
Red Hot Chilli Peppers
Plain White T's
My email - poonam118@gmail.com
Very interesting request!
-Red Hot Chili Peppers
- Plain White T's
- Greenday
- Marron 5
- Pink
- Barry White
- The Indigo Girls
- Macy Gray
- Yellow card
- The White Stripes
My email is ksdkemp (at) gmail (dot) com.
I also tweeted!
Maroon 5, Black Crows, deep purple...
This could be a great birthday present for me!
Maroon 5, Black Crows, deep purple...
This could be a great birthday present for me!
Maroon 5, Blue Oyster Cult, White Stripes.
mricciuti @ gmail . com
Green Day
Red Hot Chilli Peppers
Plain White Ts
aisharulz [at] yahoo [dot] com
i tweeted
aisharulz [at] yahoo [dot] com
Green Day, Pink Floyd,
& Red Hot Chili Peppers!
couldn't help but notice that paparazzi looks a lot like the lipgloss vanessa hudgens wore, the one that you wanted?
Please enter me in this contest.
Simpy Red
Pink Floyd
Maroon Five
Black Sabbath, Pink Floyd, Blue Oyster Cult
Deep Purple, Blue Oyster Cult, The Indigo Girls!
YellowCard, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, and Red Hot Chili Peppers!
I also Tweeted :)
Email: MintyFreshPanda@gmail.com
Pink Floyd
Maroon 5
Black Sabbath
The Black Crowes
Tweet! http://twitter.com/ktkatherine/status/3625740658
kkondek at gmail.com
i tweeted!
blue october
the pink spiders
Deep Purple
Indigo Girls
2emailme at myway dot com
Green Day
Yellow Card
Plain White ts
So pretty! I thought of Black Sabbath, Blue Man Group, and Yellowcard. Thanks! MermaidBird3 at gmail dot com
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
Frank Black and the Catholics
Blind Melon
Black Flag
The Aqua Bats
The Siversun Pickups
imsosweepy { at } gmail { dot } com
hi i m dhwani
Pink Floyd
Green Day
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Black Sabbath
The White Stripes
Red House Painters
The Red Krayola
Black Flag
Big Black
Frank Black
Blonde Redhead
Jackson Browne
Blue Oyster Cult
Orange Goblin
White Zombie
the give away is fantastic
i luvd
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