Lush Sugar Scrub - Melting Heaven

Last night I tried the sugar scrub from Lush for the first time.

Lordy Lord it smells SO GOOD. All through my shower I couldn't get over how unbelievably good the smell was. The sugar scrub crumbled in a couple of seconds. I took off a small piece and saved the rest in the soap shelf. But in a couple of seconds, it started melting and the green liquid flowed into the bath tub !! So I made it quick run into the kitchen, grabbed a container and pulled my wondrous sugar scrub in.

That's that. But now I had a lot of this fantastic scrub just lying in there in the soap shelf. So I gathered the puddle into my palms and scrubbed the he*l outta my hands. Every stroke just made my hands softer and softer and softer. By the end my hands felt like two of the softest pillows ever.

So soft I dreamed of running my hands all over shaking hands with officer Sam Swareck and he continuing to hold on, coz my hands were just the softest. All the while I looked deep into his dreamy eyes and he continued to charm the pants off me with his dimples...

This is exactly what I meant when I retweeted...

Me and Sam Swareck are officially an item.

In my head.

Speaking of dimples...check this out.
Cuteness overload.

Indian Girl


  1. heheheee...ur post cracked me up!!

  2. LOL You are so hilarious. I love lush products as well! I will be looking into getting this one :-)

  3. Sighhhhh... its nice to know I'm not the only one obsessed with Officer Swarek


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